#28 Bison Bar & BBQ, Dublin

Our Order
Tiger €6.00
1/2 Smoked & Roasted Chicken €13.95
Sweet Potato Fries €3.95
Smoked Beef Brisket Melt – Real Red Cheddar €10.95
Crispy Garlic Potatoes €3.95
Total €30.70 (27.24)
We've been following Bison on Instagram for a while now and I knew we had to go in at some point. We can confused at the door because we have blonde moments from time to time so just be warned, the door is a pull and its heavy so give it a good pull!
We were the only ones in there at the time but we could tell it had a really fun atmosphere. You seat yourself and order at the bar which I find quirky for a BBQ grill type restaurant but it's really nice touch and we like being able to order as soon as we're ready rather than waiting.
I had decided earlier in the day I was going to have the 1/2 roasted chicken because they has posted about it earlier in the day but once I saw the menu, I got distracted. Especially by the Buttermilk Chicken Thigh Burger as I looove chicken thighs but Jed persuaded me to stick with my original option as you can't go wrong with a roast chicken.
The food came really fast - I understand we were the only ones in there which explains why it was so quick but its still a plus for us! It all looked incredible. The skin on my chicken was really crispy and full of flavour which is one of my favourite things ever. The chicken was delicious and was really juicy. The sweet potato fries were crispy instead of soggy so the entire meal was just everything I like, cooked just how I like it. I tried both the BBQ and mustard sauces that were on the table and they worked with everything on my plate so well. If you like Asian type flavours, then the BBQ sauce is definitely for you!
Jed's burger came and it was magnificent. Beef brisket dripping with sauce and you could see the melted cheese too. There are no words other then "delicious". We were expecting the potatoes to be cubed or diced for some reason so it was a surprise when they came as full potatoes but it really didn't matter with how they tasted. They were completely drowned in butter and garlic salt from what I could tell and it also meant that at the end, I could dip my chips in the garlic which was great.
I know I've used the word "delicious" a lot in this review but you really need to try this place for yourself to understand how good it is. 10/10 want one in the UK so I can go more often.


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